Dragon*Con update/ Ghostbusters 1/ Shape of things to come.
Posted by Andy | | Posted On Wednesday, August 4, 2010 at 6:21 AM
Hey guys.
So it's been a while since we updated the page, and for good reason. Last we spoke, we talked about the helmet and molding. Well it turns out that didn't work out. We didn't have enough molding supplies (namely latex) to totally cover the project, but we thought we'd push it. So by pushing it, we're back at square one.
On an unrelated note, Inception is an incredible movie.
Now to make that unrelated note, related, after I watched Inception I had this incredibly lucid dream in which we went to Dragon*Con and everybody was impressed with our Ghostbusters costumes. Ghostbusters. An idea that has been tossed around by Jimmy and I, but never followed through. It was time to begin.

Ghostbusters is a cult hit with an all star cast. Our plan was to attempt to be as cool.
The outfits are incredibly detailed, and made from a lot of parts that were ok in the 80's but not available now. I like a challenge.
Our plans were to have two full costumes, goggles, proton packs, a trap, and a PKE meter.
First we started with the Ecto goggles (I have to type kind of quick because I only have a few minutes before work. The goggles let the 'Busters see invisible clues.
Ours were built off a modified pair of welding goggles. Modified for your enjoyment by Brown and Decker.

Next we started on the pack. Here's a picture of what we're aiming for.

and here's us.

It doesn't look like much yet, but the motherboard is made out of Masonite (the stuff clipboards are made out of) and the parts are insulation foam, meticulously cut by hand. The next step is Gesso (for great justice) and mounting.
Also, last thing before I go, we got the tickets for the paranormal investigations class at the *Con. We were the last few slots. AND, we did make it to the Army surplus store for supplies. A final picture then I really have to go (I'm going to be late).

Brown & Decker industries would like to take this time to remind you that bustin' makes us feel good.
So it's been a while since we updated the page, and for good reason. Last we spoke, we talked about the helmet and molding. Well it turns out that didn't work out. We didn't have enough molding supplies (namely latex) to totally cover the project, but we thought we'd push it. So by pushing it, we're back at square one.
On an unrelated note, Inception is an incredible movie.
Now to make that unrelated note, related, after I watched Inception I had this incredibly lucid dream in which we went to Dragon*Con and everybody was impressed with our Ghostbusters costumes. Ghostbusters. An idea that has been tossed around by Jimmy and I, but never followed through. It was time to begin.

Ghostbusters is a cult hit with an all star cast. Our plan was to attempt to be as cool.
The outfits are incredibly detailed, and made from a lot of parts that were ok in the 80's but not available now. I like a challenge.
Our plans were to have two full costumes, goggles, proton packs, a trap, and a PKE meter.
First we started with the Ecto goggles (I have to type kind of quick because I only have a few minutes before work. The goggles let the 'Busters see invisible clues.
Ours were built off a modified pair of welding goggles. Modified for your enjoyment by Brown and Decker.
Next we started on the pack. Here's a picture of what we're aiming for.

and here's us.
It doesn't look like much yet, but the motherboard is made out of Masonite (the stuff clipboards are made out of) and the parts are insulation foam, meticulously cut by hand. The next step is Gesso (for great justice) and mounting.
Also, last thing before I go, we got the tickets for the paranormal investigations class at the *Con. We were the last few slots. AND, we did make it to the Army surplus store for supplies. A final picture then I really have to go (I'm going to be late).
Brown & Decker industries would like to take this time to remind you that bustin' makes us feel good.
Giz wants a lil' CatGhost Busters outfit! She says she'll take on Pet Cemetery!