Daft Punk Dev Diary 1
Posted by Andy | Labels: cosplay, costume, daft punk, dragon*con, props | Posted On Monday, January 25, 2010 at 10:03 PM
So in case you haven't heard me talk at you endlessly for hours about how Jim and I want to go to Dragon*Con this year as Daft Punk, this is for you.
For those of you who don't know, Dragon*Con is this biiiiig nerd convention in Atlanta where nerds gather in a huge hotel, wonder aimlessly, play games, take pictures, and meet some cool famous people.
But most importantly, these nerds go in costume.
Now for those of you who don't know who Daft Punk is, please close this browser and start Googling. Daft Punk is a really great House/Techno band from France. The reason we picked them is not only because their awesome and one of the first things Jim and I found we had in common, but also because they have these really elaborate robot helmets they wear to conceal their identity.

Our original plan wasn't to build them at all. But as we searched the 'net, it turns out that no one was selling replicas, and the only offer was from the original group that made Daft Punk's, and the catch was that they were 63,000 dollars.
So we weren't going to buy them.
After hours of research, we found that it could be broken down into a few simple steps:
1.) Start with the papercraft base
2.) Reinforce with fiberglass
3.) Detail and modify
4.) Rock out to techno
Only problem is that this whole process takes TIME. A lot of it. We have nine months to prepare.
So in case you haven't heard me talk at you endlessly for hours about how Jim and I want to go to Dragon*Con this year as Daft Punk, this is for you.
For those of you who don't know, Dragon*Con is this biiiiig nerd convention in Atlanta where nerds gather in a huge hotel, wonder aimlessly, play games, take pictures, and meet some cool famous people.
But most importantly, these nerds go in costume.
Now for those of you who don't know who Daft Punk is, please close this browser and start Googling. Daft Punk is a really great House/Techno band from France. The reason we picked them is not only because their awesome and one of the first things Jim and I found we had in common, but also because they have these really elaborate robot helmets they wear to conceal their identity.

Our original plan wasn't to build them at all. But as we searched the 'net, it turns out that no one was selling replicas, and the only offer was from the original group that made Daft Punk's, and the catch was that they were 63,000 dollars.
So we weren't going to buy them.
After hours of research, we found that it could be broken down into a few simple steps:
1.) Start with the papercraft base
2.) Reinforce with fiberglass
3.) Detail and modify
4.) Rock out to techno
Only problem is that this whole process takes TIME. A lot of it. We have nine months to prepare.
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